Swiggy Instamart, the one-stop solution for all your daily needs, has unveiled a new ad featuring the dynamic duo, cricket star Rohit Sharma and his wife, Ritika Sajdeh. This ad, a part of the ‘Yeh Se Leke Woh Tak’ campaign, provides a delightful glimpse into their daily life. The scene is set in a cozy living room where Rohit and Ritika share a light-hearted moment. While browsing the Swiggy Instamart app, Ritika, with her keen understanding of Rohit’s needs, asks if he requires anything. In his typical forgetful style, Rohit responds with a simple “Yeh,” indicating his desire for tea. Being the perfect partner, Ritika adds tea cups to her cart, ready to be delivered in just 10 minutes..
As the ad continues, Rohit amusingly struggles to name items, using vague gestures like “Woh” for a phone charger and mimicking a cricket shot for a vegetable chopper. Understanding his hints perfectly, Ritika also adds these items to her cart. Their interaction highlights their strong bond and shows the variety of products available on Swiggy Instamart.
This latest advertising campaign effectively showcases the convenience and variety that Swiggy Instamart offers. Ashwath Swaminath, Swiggy’s Chief Growth Marketing Officer, expressed excitement about the campaign, emphasizing that Swiggy Instamart offers a vast range of products with the convenience of 10-minute delivery. Rohit Sharma, exclusively represented by RISE Worldwide, shared that the campaign would connect with many married couples, showcasing their love and understanding.
The ad beautifully captures Rohit and Ritika’s everyday lives and playful communication. It also reinforces Swiggy Instamart as the go-to quick and easy shopping platform. It offers everything from “Yeh” to “Woh” in 10 minutes, ensuring a seamless and swift shopping experience. If you haven’t seen it yet, check out this delightful glimpse into Rohit and Ritika’s lives and see what Swiggy Instamart can bring to your home.
This information on the latest campaign in India is brought to you by The Buzztag, a digital marketing company in Pune, highlighting the innovative approach to advertising that resonates with a wide audience. Swiggy Instamart’s latest campaign is a testament to the power of engaging storytelling and strategic digital marketing efforts.