Shoppers Stop is all set to bring a touch of luxury to makeup fans across India with the launch of Giorgio Armani’s exclusive makeup range. The initiative, led by Global SSBeauty Brands, a subsidiary of Shoppers Stop, initially aims to introduce between 60 and 80 carefully curated Armani products. Biju Kassim, Chief Executive Officer of Beauty at Shoppers Stop, shared the exciting news with ETRetail, highlighting plans for boutique stores dedicated to Armani in key cities like Mumbai and Delhi. These boutiques, spanning 250 to 500 square feet, are expected to open in the next 2 to 4 months, with additional shop-in-shops planned by December across various beauty stores, including Shoppers Stop, SSBeauty, Tira, Nykaa, and Sephora.
The introduction of Armani boutiques and shop-in-shops is a strategic move by Shoppers Stop to redefine its beauty segment, already enriched by brands like Prada, Valentino, and Nars. This expansion, in line with Armani’s global reputation for elegance and quality, is just the beginning. Looking ahead, SSBeauty Brands also has plans to introduce brands from Turkey, Russia, and the US by October, further diversifying its offerings and solidifying its position in the market.
Shoppers Stop’s commitment to expanding its presence in the beauty market is unwavering. Currently operating 14 SSBeauty stores, the company has plans to add 25 to 30 new retail locations annually. Notably, upcoming large-scale beauty spaces in Mumbai’s Shoppers Stop locations in Malad and Juhu will span 5,000 and 10,000 square feet, enhancing accessibility to premium beauty products. These efforts underscore Shoppers Stop’s dedication to increasing SSBeauty’s contribution from 18% to 25% of overall revenue within the next three years, a testament to our optimism and belief in the brand’s potential.
The beauty landscape at Shoppers Stop emphasizes a blend of masstige and prestige brands, with masstige brands currently accounting for 38% of revenue and prestige brands dominating at 62%. Fragrances lead in prestige brand revenue at 50%, followed by makeup at 38%, and skincare at 12%. In the masstige segment, 70% of consumers prefer offline shopping, while 30% opt for online purchases, reflecting the evolving consumer preferences in the beauty industry.